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RAP68 Tactical Paintball Shotgun (14 Inch Barrel)


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Winter 2002 Raffle!
Winter 2002 RAFFLE!!

Is Proud to present the 2002 Winter Raffle and Charity Fund-raiser!!
The Raffle is now Closed!! A huge thanks to all that contributed. The actual Drawing with be Sunday , Feb 9th Time info will follow shortly!! Good Luck To everyone!!

See the raffle results, who won, funds raised and donated here!!! (coming soon)

Check Out the new Stock Class Crash Landing ONLINE STORE For all your Stock and pump class needs. New items being added daily!!


An AM-P Illusion Pump!!!

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Our Mission

To continue to offer members and readers a great source of information, exchange of ideas, and ofcourse, FREE STUFF!! By Entering this raffle you not only get a chance to win the awesome AM-P ILLUSION pictured above , you'll also ensure the continuation of the site AND help support a great Charity!!! That's right, for the first time ever will be contributing a portion of the funds generated this event to Victory Junction A new Children's charity that is sponsored by the Petty Family (of Nascar Fame) and is also associated with Paul Newmans "hole in the wall gang." (note: has no affiliation with victory junction, and your contribution will not be tax deductible. were just trying help out a great cause.)Each Ticket purchased has TWO chances to win a great prize!!

About the AM-P Illusion being Raffled: This marker was generously contributed by Action Markers, Care of Bob Lanstrum. It is from the FIRST production run, and was actually used at the Action Markers challenge recently at challenge park (SPlatt attack event, one day only!!.)
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The SCP Raffle AM-P Illusion comes equipped as follows:
  • 10 round horizontal feed with speed loading gate.
  • 15 round Horizontal feed with barrel clamp and milled end plug
  • screw in reversible adaptor for horizontal feed tubes (also accommodates plastic 10 round tubes)
  • Direct feed adaptor to use bulk hopper
  • A VL200 hopper
  • tool kit and spare orings
  • cd and info pack
  • warranty/ registration card
  • A huge smile!!!

Second Prize: A case of 2000 "Severe" Paintballs!!
second prize, 2000 paintballs

Two Third Prizes!!! A ZEL Paintball Protective Hood!!

Raffle Rules:
The raffle is open to anyone and everyone who buys a chance (virtual ticket), Unlimited entries per individual. If your number is selected as a contest winner, you agree that Stock Class Paintball Network can publicize your name/alias and use said info in promotional and announcements. Each chance sold will be assigned a number, on the closing date a number will be randoml selected and a winner chosen. The winner will be contacted via email immediately following the selection. Please note, due to various state and local laws regarding paintball equipment, it is your responsibility, should you win, to ensure said marker is legal in your area. Further, if the winner is under 18 years of age, he/she must provide parental consent and approval before the marker will be issued.

How to Enter
Purchase one or more tickets and your in. Tickets will be offered for sale only until January 31st, 2003 so act quickly!! Purchase information:
  1. Tickets are $2.00 each, Six for $10.00,or 15 for $25(best deal.)
  2. payment can be made via money order, certified check,or paypal.
  3. all payments Must be received by January 31st, 2003 in order for you to be entered into the raffle.
  4. You must include your name, address, telephone number, Stockclass paintball member number if you have one (not required, but feel free to register with us via the mainpage.) and email address with your ticket payment.

All entries must be received by January 31, 2003.


Winners will be selected by a random drawing on Sunday February 9th, 2003.

Donations to Victory junction (amount to be determined by raffle sales, Ten percent minimum) will be distributed by February 28th, 2003.

The Raffle is now closed, thank you for supporting and!!! Check back often for new and exciting events and giveaways!!


The winning entry will be announced on the site on February 9th, 2003. Following the announcement, individual winner will be notified by e-mail. Winner will have 14 days from notification to claim the prize. Prize may be claimed by return e-mail. Unclaimed prizes will be offered in future fund-raising events..

See the raffle results, who won, funds raised and donated here!!! (coming soon)


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