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How the 1st annual TPPG (Texas Pump and Pistol Game) Came about.

by Chance "Clearush" Rushing

For the past 8 years I have been a member on the forums and also over at And every year I read the threads started about Pump Pandemonium at EMR and SPE in Illinois. And every year I wish I had the finances and the time to travel from Texas to join in the fun of a large pump only big game, and well it never worked out.

Well in 2007 I discover that another forum member on SCP and MCB, Joe "Vern1" Petty, was also a paintball field owner and had an ideal for building a Texas Castle. So Petty constructed an impressive Castle wall and held the first Castle Rock game in July of 2007. I was able to attend this game and had an absolute awesome time at a great field hosted by wonderful people. Then I promptly knocked down their Martin bird house while backing up to leave blink.gif . Over the next three years I had to opportunity to attend two more Castle Rock games and a very fun Triple Threat Viper Scenario game hosted at the Petty field.

During this time I conversed with Joe through forum posts and some private messages and he told me about his desire to host an all pump game. I think we first conversed about it sometime in 2009 and he said he was working on it and would have something ready soon, well as things go sometimes soon never happened for the pump game.

So finally around October 2010, being fed up with not having my pump fetish satisfied I wanted to see what kind of interest I could stir up with a little post over on MCB about having a 4 to 6 hour pump and pistol only Big Game. And well surprise surprise quite a few people jumped on it. Well that got me excited so I started asking for suggestions for a host field. And well with quite a few of the interested parties being in and around Austin Joe Petty's field was suggested quite a few times.

So I pm'd Joe about the date we had selected and a few details about my ideal of running the game and asked if he was still interested in hosting an all pump game like we had discussed several years back. And well Joe is the bomb, he not only said yes but gave us discounted entry for both days and even gave us a paint discount. Joe also went as far as asking KEE to sponsor some prizes for the game and KEE came through with a BT Pistol and the new BT Version of the Trracer, Thanks KEE! And Thanks to Viper Scenarios for donating a Free entry to a Viper Scenario to go with the prizes!

So the game is set for the end of February 2011 and I'm counting about 40 people that had show interest in this game. I had two players step up to take command of the game as opposing generals, Charles "Tag" Sullivan and Shawn "Spawnshark" Sparks. And I was getting a little worried at this point with no pre-register commitment alot of people will say they are coming and then you get about 60% no shows and I'm thinking this will be a 5 on 5 game on a big woods ball field and it just won't be the fun it could be.

Well here came February and boom here comes a team that is planning for 12 to come out and other people planning to bring 4 and 3 others and people working on friends to bring out and Kerry "Viper" Rosenberry of Viper Scenarios chimes in that its possible that he will be able to make it out, dragging some of his top Texas Scenario Reffs with him. By the week before the game I had lost count and was guestimating 100 possible players, which would hopefully turn out 30 to 40 actual players.

So multiple players from the Dallas/Ft Worth area made the trek down and camped out at the field, and others of us Rolled in from Houston, Austin and even Tyler and Longview and I don't know if any of the San Antonio crowd made it. Well it was an exciting Saturday and players were showing up at a decent rate. At the end of the day by my count we had 37 players and 10 Referees (who took turns joining in the fun wink.gif ).

This being the first game and with some people showing late and such we did get off to a late start at 12:15 instead of the 11:00 planned time unsure.gif but it was what it was. So the main body of the game was from 12:15 to 4:15 with the flag stations getting score every 30 minutes. The Flag stations were positioned as best as we could get a skirmish line between the two bases and this worked very well there were many back and forth exchanges and flag stations were won and lost through out the entire 4 hours of play. It was a hard fought game with many surprise attacks and defenders and attackers alike getting backdoored by the sneaky ninja.gif .

The game really came down to three scoring periods in which the blue team managed to form a skirmish line between the red base and the flag stations for three scoring periods forming a lead that the red team just never made up.

Now going into our 30 min final battle Blue was leading by less than 10 points and the final battle was for a 10 point score so it was still possible for Red to steal the game by winning the final battle. For Final Battle we came out of the woods and put 33 pump players on a 10 man hyper ball field with a box in the middle that had to be recovered and taken to the teams designated point. Only problem being the two players designated to guard the box from both teams and having ironman rules of head shots only for elimination.

Well I soon discovered that I had made it a bit to hard with the ironmen players guarding the box so on the fly after a quick discussion with the head reff I pulled the ironmen players for the final 10 min of final battle to give the team some possible hope of getting the box. With about 7 min left in the game a Blue team player made it into a lay down at the 50 just inches from the box. With super ninja skill he flew out grabbed to box and dove into another bunker with 3 reffs on him like flies looking for any paint to hit him, but alas he was clean laugh.gif and about 30 seconds later he made a move to take the box to the scoring position. We the box made it into scoring position but the blue player had to take the dead box walk to get back into the game.

Blue successfully held off Red for the remaining few minutes and won the final battle and the game. Congratulation to "Tag" for winning and "Spawnshark" for putting up a really hard fought battle and making the game totally fun.

Award winners for the game (sorry I don't have full names for some)

MVP - Isai "Lineargoose" Garcia
Sportmanship - Morbo
MoFo - Aaron "Chubs" Creasy

MVP - Efrain
Sportmanship - Sean from Team Loyalty
MoFo - Don "Magoo" Glass

for future game info you can visit

- Email Clearrush

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