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March 31, 2025
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Blue's News:
Introduction , and a bit about Blue
Hello Players,
For my first BLUE'S NEWS I thought I would cover a little
of my background. I started playing in 1983 after buying
four NSG SPLATMASTERS right after they hit the market. I
called 3 of my friends and invited them over to try
something different and fun. We played in our 1 & 1/2 acre
woods beside our house and had a blast.
I was instantly hooked and started inviting more friends
over to play every weekend. I did it for stress release as
I owned and operated an Office Products Business and
specialized in layout and design working with Federal,
State, and local businesses is southern PA and Maryland. I
also sat on 7 different Boards of Directors, smoked 4 packs
of Marlboros a day, and had an ulcer.
Yes, I was a heart attack waiting to happen. My wife Sue
also played for the first time with us that year and
supported me fully as she saw how much it helped relieve my
stress level. I started to organize other players and by
1986 played with about 60 players at various locations. in
1987 I officially opened a field "HANSE HOLLOW" and
continued organizing players and arranging trips to other
fields. I started working with other field owners in cross
promoting and buying paintball merchandise together.
By 1991 I had grown as much as I could at my field and
wanted to go into Paintball full time. Sue and I sold our
two businesses and in 1992 unfortunately went into a very
bad partnership to buy the old WOLF'S LAIR. Early 1994 we
walked away from the partnership and bought into MONTNEEL
DESIGN where I did all of the Marketing for the next 2
years promoting our line of Paintball guns;Z-1, MEGA-Z,
MZ-16, and Z-RENTAL. This gave me a chance to travel to
many events and play more tournaments and big games.
Throughout all this I started doing consulting work helping
New Fields and Stores open and become more efficient. I
also started speaking at Paintball Industry Conferences on
marketing and running big games. In 1996, my wife Sue and
I, purchased the old WOLF'S LAIR without the strain of a
partner and began specializing in Big games and then
Scenario games, naming the field E.M.R. PAINTBALL PARK.
I became the east coast distributor for PAINTBALL MANIA
SUPPLIES for three years and then for DIABLO for another
two. Now we just concentrate on E.M.R. and helping the
industry to grow. I have been friends with Jim Masse,
founder of the PAINTBALL MARSHALS, for about 10 years and
cannot wait to play with a pump gun alongside the Marshals
and other pump players at CASTLE CONQUEST XVI.
I am happy to say that I no longer Smoke, no longer have an
ulcer, and still very much love my wife Sue who has put up
with me for 26 years of marriage and paintball for 20
years. I still work very hard and long hours, but I also
still love and play paintball whenever i get a chance.
Come visit us at E.M.R. PAINTBALL PARK in New Milford,
PA and join the EMR FAMILY.
(ed note:) Mike Hanse, AKA "Blue" was most recently
prominently featured in the newly released video
"William Shatners Spplat Attack" for his role in the
Big game of the same name. You can visit his website
Thanks Blue, were looking forward to reading future
editions of "Blues News".
- Blue