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How to Play in a Pan Am Stock Class Tournament
August 20, 2001

So you have been watching the Pan Am tourneys for a while now, and all you see is angels, autocockers, and automags. Where are the stock class players that you keep hearing about? Well, you aren't looking hard enough because they are there alright. Once you've found the stock class tourament and decide to give it a go, all you need to do is pay the fee and play for 3-man stock. You don't even need to worry about having a Pan Am ID.

If you or your friends don't own a stock class legal marker, don't worry about that either. The Pan Am Circuit provides 10 shot stock class markers. Now what about that entry fee? Well, it is the cheapest one in the circuit. $95 split three ways. Talk about cheap tourney.

The field? Well, it varies. Last weekend's Pan Am had them playing on a Sup'Air field, while others use actual speedball fields. It all depends on the place.

So how do you know when the Pan Am circuit is coming to your neighborhood? Go to their web page Pan Am Circuit ( and click on the schedule button and look for the nearest city from you. If your tourney is anything like mine, there is a good chance that the Pan Am Event city listed is not where the 3-man stock class tourney will actually be played. You better click on the date so that you can be sure on where the tourney is going to be played.

If you have any other questions, e-mail me, and I will help you with whatever you need.

-Jordan Vint aka Impact

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