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Feb 20, 2003
Blues news: Introducing Blues Crew!! A scenario team.

REDZ COMFORT GEAR and SEVERE PAINTBALLS is proud to announce their sponsorship of a brand new team, E.M.R.'s BLUE's CREW led by BLUE himself.

BLUE'S CREW is solely a Big Game/Scenario Game team that will be playing at different events throughout the East Coast.

BLUE'S motto is: NO MISSIONS, NO LEADERSHIP ROLES, JUST AGGRESSIVE PAINTBALL WARRIORS. His team is made up of players from many different Big Game/Scenario game teams that all call E.M.R. PAINTBALL PARK their home:DOTW, JOINT FURY, MAYBERRY MARAUDERS, PUB CRAWLING, FORCED ENTRY, CANADIAN JUSTICE, BONEHEADS, PA BREW CREW, LORDS OF CHAOS, DEMASKUS, BONEHEADS, and BUST'N BALLS. BLUE'S CREW is 30 members strong and will be showing up in force at both WEST POINT games, CORAM LONG ISLAND BIG GAME, HELL SURVIVORS MONSTER GAME, and of course all of the E.M.R. Events.

Any other fields that would like to host BLUE'S CREW at their big events should contact BLUE at They also have extra player set-ups for any INDUSTRY People that want to join in and run with BLUE'S CREW. A few that plan on joining them so far at a game or two are Greg & Justin of REDZ COMFORT GEAR, Rene of PAINTBALL NEWS, Larry Cossio of WARRIOR PRODUCTS, and Eric Stork of SEVERE PAINTBALLS.

Not only will BLUE'S CREW be totally outfitted in and supported by REDZ and SEVERE gear head to toe, but BUST'N BALLS is sponsering their Staging Tent at all events and will be providing them with all the comforts of home. 10' x 20 ' tent, grill, hot food and sandwiches, beverages, and just plain good ole hospitality.

E & A EMBROIDERY will be customizing all their REDZ and SEVERE gear and keep them looking good. SPLATZENOUGH is supplying custom hopper covers for all the player's feeders sporting the BLUE'S CREW logo. DIVINE CRAFT PAINTBALL will be supplying all the lounge chairs for the crew and ATOMIC ORDNANCE is supplying them paint grenades for all the events. The Crew will be wearing MORPH Goggles supplied by V-FORCE and MATT'S SPORTS SHACK will be outfitting them in their custom evening wear (Polo Shirts and Long Sleeve T-Shirts). Caps and Crew Towels is being supplied by AMERICAN PAINTBALL SUPPLIES and the logos for all the Crew's items will be custom designed by RONN STERN ® GEAR.

To catch the Crew for all posterity, EYCE AUDIO VISUAL will be taping and producing a DVD on BLUE'S CREW 2003 EXPLOITS on and off the field. When BLUE'S CREW goes to the Coram Long Island Game, they also will have a team or two participating in the fun-filled Recreational Tournament they put on Saturday preceding the Sunday big Game and will be playing for their supreme commander RED of REDZ.

At Hell Survivor's Monster Game, BLUE'S CREW will be spending their evenings lounging at the BLUE MARTINI in Pinckney, hosted by the lovely and gracious Kelly Masse. Best food, beverages, and Bluez Bands in Michigan.

Whereever you see the BLUE'S CREW tent, stop by and say hi, we'd love to see you. BLUE'S CREW would like to thank all their sponsors and the fields that are hosting the team at their events and of course E.M.R. PAINTBALL PARK in New Milford, PA. If you can't catch up with the CREW at one of their traveling events, come see them at E.M.R. and visit them at their team bunkhouses and play a while. more info on BLUE'S CREW check out their web page by going to and click on BLUE'S CREW. Any companies interested in sponsoring BLUE'S CREW should contact Blue by Email or call (570) 465-9622. -

- Blue

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