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Question:   April 1, 2005 :

Cody writes in:

I want to get into stock class to better my skills and save money. I just have a couple questions...
1. what marker should i get? ( thinking phantom)
2. how many 12- grams do you go through in an average day of play?
3. how much are 12-grams?
4. how much will it cost to get started( marker + tubes + 12-grams + anything else)? I already have goggles.
Any answers would help. Thanks.


Hi Cody,

Most of this really involves the old 'it depends', but I'll try to answer as best I can. I also suggest you sign up on our Forum where you will get LOTS of answers also. The SCP Forum members are very helpful and generous to all. StockClassPaintball Forums

--1. what marker should i get ( thinkin phantom)
The CCI Phantom is, in my humble opinion, practically the gold standard of pump & stock class markers. Realiable, accurate, versitale, still in high production, and the legendary epic support of CCI's owner and creator Mike Cassidy.
There are lots of other options out there in todays EBay and custom shop world so you really have to decide what you want out of your marker and how you want to play the game. Direct Feed, Stock Class, Constant Air, 12 grams, Scenario Play, Arena Ball, and the list only gets bigger from there.
While the Phantom can be had in just about any configuration, there are still other markers available. Some less expensive (PGP/Maverick), some that are totally custom (Palmers,Chipleys), and others that should be avoided like the plague (Brute).
What I would tell you is to start at our Links Page and absorb all the information you can. If you plan on spending a few hundred dollars on a new Marker setup, be sure your well informed. Send emails, posts topics, and ask questions.

--2. how many 12- grams do you go through in an average day of play
Ask 10 different people, get 10 different answers. That's just the way it is with this question. What is an 'average day of play'? 8-10 Speedball games, 6 long Wood games, 2 4-Hr scenarios, or some combinations in between? What weather do you have? Do you change 12 grams when the ball drops 10 feet in front of you, or when you 'feel' you need a change? Do the paintballs fit your barrel like a glove, or are you blowing more air than paint?
I've used 3 in one speedball game, and 1 in a 30 minutes woods games. And vice versa. The best way to approach this thinking is 'don't worry about'. If you bring box a Copperheads(25 pack) to the field, you'll have more than enough to get you through the day. Once you played in your area a few times, you'll get a feel for what your paticular situation requires. Some days I've used less then 10, other days more than 20. It all depends. On average though, you should expect 30 shots per 12 gram with good weather and paint. Figure how much paint you shoot and go from there.

-- 3. how much are 12-grams
Again, depends. Do you want buy a bulk bag off the internet (don't forget shipping), or pick up a box at Sports Authority/Walmart/etc. For me, I find it much easier and less painless to just drop $15 at Sports Authority for a 25 pack of Copperheads. Plus, I like the way the box looks. :)

-- 4. how much will it cost to get started( marker + tubes + 12-grams + anything else) already have goggles.
The magic question. How much will it cost me to get started playing? This question I have seen posted and debated since the early days (1988 for me). But it's still an important question. The most obvious stumbling block for any hobby or sport is money. Before looking at any equipment you should have an idea of what you overall budget is. This gives you a starting point and helps you when searching for answers to the previous questions. Also, be sure to differeniate between one-time costs(marker/google/gear), and on-going costs(fees/paint/air). Keep them seperate. How much will it cost to get you to the field, and then, how much will you spend at the field?
Let's look at it this way.
Marker: $100-$600 (PGP or Chipleys Custom Machine)
Gear: $20-$200 (10rd tubes in your pocket or every accessory known to man)
With this over simplified setup, you can spend between $120 and $800 to get started playing. Does that help? No, I didn't think so. The way I look at is that if your seriously interested in playing and having fun, you don't want your equipment to hold you down while it breaks and rips every month. So you want some quality, but are not Richy Rich, and yet you don't want to skimp on features or 'cool stuff'. Set aside $300 dollars to start looking for everything you need to become the player you want to be (Marker and Gear). Be realistic with yourself too. You may end up spending $400. You don't need it all at once and time is on your side. Search, Read, Ask.

Thanks, I hope I helped and please feel free to follow up with me personnally or post in our Forum.

Chris 'Cargo' Crallé

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